Profile picture for Vicente Garcia

Vicente Garcia

App Engineer


I started creating apps for iPhone in 2009, and made my first Mac app in 2017.

Since then I have been part a few startups, and worked on some big companies also, while I got published 50+ independent apps from my personal projects on the App Store.

To this day, I keep developing and publishing apps on on a constant basis, and they can be downloaded from the App Store for free.

Rarely, I write about development and bug fixing, you can find out more about that on my blog or social media.

Subjects you can expect to read there are: iOS, macOS, watchOS, Swift, Objective-C, CloudKit, WebKit, SwiftUI, AppKit, UIKit, MapKit, Unit Testing, Test Driven Development, JavaScript, Safari Extensions, Privacy, Security, Safety, Anti Tracker Protection, Ad Blockers, etc.



Cookie app icon
Un app icon
Infinite loop app icon
Infinite Loop
Wikimind app icon
Web app icon
Images app icon
Offline Maps app icon



Every now and then I find something interesting to share relating to software development, apps, Swift, WebKit, SwiftUI, AppKit, UIKit, iOS, macOS, watchOS, MapKit, CloudKit, etc.

And you can read about it on Substack.



I have made a few dips into public speaking, mainly Meetups and some Conferences.

